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Build Your Stack® Sessions - $1,000 ea.
Help educators build their classroom libraries! Feature any titles and authors on the Build Your Stack® stage located in the NCTE Exhibit Hall. The sessions are 20 minutes long; NCTE will provide signage listing all sessions and recognition in the program for participating publishers, plus one (1) lavalier, LCD projector, and screen. Additional A/V requests will incur additional costs. 
Exhibitor Sessions - (30Minutes) $1,250, (75minutes) $2,000
Take exhibiting to the next level by participating in a 30 or 75-minute Exhibitor Session that allows you to showcase your products and services with more in-depth information and hands-on instruction. The room will be equipped for up to 100-person occupancy and includes an LCD screen, microphone, and sound. Your sessions will also be listed in the Convention Program with a “Sponsored by” designation. Exhibitor Sessions will be represented and promoted with all sessions. Space is limited. Reserve your time slot today. 

Contact Christina Kardon to reserve and/or learn more information.

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